How To Fit A Tubular Latch

Step-by-Step Guide For Mortice Fitting A Tubular Latch

Follow a professional carpenter as he takes you through the steps for fitting a tubular latch. Our helpful DIY guide lists all the tools you will need as well as how to properly mortice fit the latch.


Video Highlights

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 2:06 Tools Required
  • 2:28 Measurements
  • 2:50 Drilling
  • 3:10 Prepare Latch for Install
  • 3:43 Chiselling
  • 3:59 Fixing the Latch
  • 4:06 Installing the Striker Plate
  • 5:14 Outro

Choosing a Tubular Latch

The type of tubular latch you choose to fit will depend upon whether you are installing a lever handle or a door knob, and whether the handle/knob is sprung or unsprung.

Lever Handles: These are usually fitted with a 2 or 2.5 inch tubular latch. Most lever handles are sprung, therefore a standard tubular latch is adequate to give a positive return to the handle.

Door Knobs: In order ot prevent knuckles rapping on the door surround, a longer tubular latch is required for a door knob. A minumum of 3 inches is recommended, with a 4 inch tubular latch being the ideal size for fitting with a door knob. Most door knobs are unsprung, and will require a double sprung heavy duty tubular latch for optimum function.

How To Fit A Tubular Latch: Tools Needed

Before you start, make sure you have these tools for the job: pencil, tape measure, set square, craft knife, chisel, electric drill, pilot drill, countersink bit,  and a 20mm & 10mm Forstner drill bit.

Tools required for fitting a Tubular Latch


Step 1. Taking Measurements

  • Once you have decided on the correct positioning of your lever handle or door knob, mark a line on the edge of the door with a set square where the tubular latch will be fitted.
  • Mark the hole where the mortice bar will fit and transfer the lines on each side of the door.
How to fit a tubular latch Step 1


    Step 2: Drilling with a 20mm bit

    • With the door held securely in place, drill a hole into the edge of the door using the 20mm drill bit.
    • Make sure you drill deep enough to accomodate the length of the latch.
    How to fit a tubular latch step 2


      Step 3: Drilling with a 10mm bit

      • Using the 10mm drill bit, drill the clearance holes on either side of the door for the mortice bar to connect the two sides of the lever handles/door knobs.
      • Remember to drill from both sides rather than straight through to avoid any break out.
      How to fit a tubular latch step 3


        Step 4: Prepare Latch For Installation

        • Offer the latch up to door.
        • Making sure that it is square, mark the x2 fixing holes with a pencil.
        • Drill the pilot holes.
        • Using the countersink bit, remove the excess materials to allow the latch to fit flush against the door.
        How to fit a tubular latch step 4


          Step 5a: Cut Around Latch

          • Offer latch back to the door.
          • Fix in place with screws.
          • Using a sharp craft knife, carefully cut around the latch plate and then remove latch.
          how to fit a tubular latch step 5


            Stage 5b: Chisel Excess

            • With a sharp chisel, remove enough material to ensure the latch fits flush against the wood.
            • Using the countersink drill bit, countersink both holes to allow the plate to fit snugly.
            How to fit a tubular latch step 5b


              Step 6: Fixing The Latch

              • Now the latch can be fixed permanently in place.
              • Drill the screws in place firmly.
              How to fit a tubular latch step 6


                Step 7: Installing The Striker Plate

                • Partially close the door to mark where the striker plate needs to be fitted.
                • With a pencil, mark the x2 fixing holes.
                • Drill x2 pilot holes
                How to fit a tubular latch step 7


                  Step 8: Marking out the plate

                  • Offer the striker plate to the door and screw inplace for marking out.
                  • With a sharp craft knife, mark around.
                  How to fit a tubular latch step 8


                    Step 9: Chisel Door Frame

                    • With a sharp chisel, remove enough wood for the striker plate to fit flush to the frame.
                    • Countersink both pilot holes using the countersink drill bit.
                    How to fit a tubular latch step 9


                      Step 10: Fit Striker Plate

                      • You can now fit the plate for the final time.
                      • Screw firmly in place.
                      how to fit a tubular latch step 10


                        Step 11: Remove Stock Material

                        Finally, using a narrow chisel, remove enough stock material from within the striker plate to allow the catch to fit once the door is closed.

                        How to fit a tubular latch step 11

                            Now you have successfully fitted your tubular latch, please watch our next video where we will show you how to install an unsprung door knob.


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