Essential Tips For Fitting A Beehive Door Knob

28 September 2020
Karen Angelico

How To Properly Fit A Door Knob With A Grub Screw Fixing

Are you having problems with your door knobs unscrewing on one or both sides, leaving you stranded and unable to open the door? If so, you are experiencing a common problem, caused by a simple fitting error. Watch our helpful video guide and read the step-by-step guide with tips and advice for how to properly fit door knobs with a grub screw fixing.

Please Note: We have used Beehive door knobs in the video and for the step-by-step guide, but this guide is suitable for all door knobs with a grub screw fitting.



Unboxing Your Door Knobs

When you first unbox your door knobs you will see your kit is comprised of pair of door knobs (with rose plates) fixed to a threaded mortice bar, an allen key and fixing screws. The grub screws will already be screwed in place and they are housed within the hole on the neck of each door knob.

Components of a beehive door knob kit


Step-By-Step Guide Fitting a Beehive Door Knob

1. Removing the Door Knob for Installation Prep

To prepare for installation, you will first need to remove one of the door knobs from the mortice bar. Using the Allen key, insert it into the hole in the neck of the door knob and unscrew the small grub screw. Unwind the door knob, leaving one door knob fixed to the mortice bar. You will notice the fixed door knob has its grub screw fixed to one of the flat sides of the mortice bar. This is the correct angle of installation and ensures the door knob is secure and will not unwind.

Grub screw fixing on beehive door knob


2. Fitting and Aligning the Tubular Latch

Next, you will need to fit your tubular latch, or if you already have a tubular latch fitted, you will need to check the hole in your door is lined up properly with the hole in the tubular latch.

Step one fitting a beehive door knob tips


3. Aligning the Mortice Bar and Securing the Rose Plate

The mortice bar hole in a tubular latch is square and not diamond. Guide the mortice bar through the door, making sure to keep the bar square. If you think of the hole as a clock face, and imagine the twelve, three, six and nine o'clock settings, you need to guide the mortice bar through with the flat sides of the mortice bar at twelve, three, six and nine o'clock. To make installation easy, keep the grub screw hole on the already fitted door knob at twelve o'clock - this will help with the proper fitting of the door knob on the other side.

Using the wood screws supplied, now fix the rose plate in place.

Tip: For a neat finish you want to make sure the grub screw hole is not visible. You can do this by rotating the rose plate and fixing it in place so that the grub screw guiding hole in the rose plate is at six o'clock.

Step 3 essential tips for fitting a beehive door knob


4. Fitting the Second Door Knob and Rose Plate

Once the door knob and rose plate are fitted to one side of the door, you then need to fit the other side. Place the rose plate over the mortice bar and wind on the door knob.

Step 4 tips for fitting a beehive door knob


5. Avoiding Misalignment: Ensuring a Secure Fit

In the picture below you can see what an incorrect fitting looks like. Here, the grub screw hole is not lined up with any of the flat sides of the mortice bar (ie twelve, three, six & nine o'clock). If the grub screw is screwed in at this angle it will hit the corner edge of the mortice bar and will not be secure. The door knob will eventually wind off and not work, potentially trapping someone in a room!

Step 5 fitting a beehive door knob correctly


6. Correctly Fitting and Securing the Door Knob

So now you know what an incorrectly fitted door knob looks like, let's get on and fit it correctly!

Wind the door knob on fully and then give a little back turn. The door knob needs a small amount of give, so please ensure you do not wind it on too tightly. Make sure the grub screw hole lines up with one of the flat sides of the mortice bar - either twelve, three, six or nine o'clock. Tighten the grub screw in place and secure the door knob. In the example shown below, the grub screw hole is at 9 o'clock and lined up nicely with one of the flat sides of the mortice bar.

Step 6 fitting a beehive door knob correctly


7. Final Securing and Finishing Touches

Once the grub screw is tightened you can then rotate the rose plate to ensure the grub screw hole is not visible. Fix the rose plate securely in place with the wood screws supplied. Your door knob is now securely fitted and will give you years of service!

Rosewood beehive door knob

We hope you found this helpful. Why not take a look at our other helpful video and guide How To Fit A Tubular Latch.



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  • Suffolk Latch Company on Feb 27, 2024

    Hi Keith, There could be a few possible problems with the fitting of your door knobs. Firstly ensure you have the correct tubular latch, as our beehive knobs are unsprung you need a heavy-duty tubular latch, this has a strengthened spring to assist the knobs to spring back into place. Secondly, it could be that the knob itself has been attached too tightly to the rose plate itself, making it different to turn as your rubbing metal on metal, we would recommend unscrewing the knob and making one full turn then re-attaching it to the mortice bar. If you’re problem still persists or need some more advice, call us on 01787277277 Kind regards, SLC

  • Mr Keith Mitchell on Feb 27, 2024

    Have fitted the Beehive Antique Brass Door Knobs to 7 internal doors. Some are quite stiff to turn. Any tips on whether fitting is faulty ?

  • alwyn on Dec 05, 2022

    very happy to be shown the correct way so we have a perfect door knob turning

  • Judith Kettle on Nov 09, 2022

    Very helpful video, thank you. I have used it to put on five knobs. However, on my sixth, the knob only turns one way. Whilst this still allows the latch to function and the door to open, I would prefer if the knob could turn both ways to open the latch as some people try to use the stuck way. Help please!

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